Tuki Fiesta

A 3-day ritual in the Wixárika Tradition
that brings great blessings

Casa Xiuhtecuhtli, Tepoztlán, Mexico
September 8-12, 2024 - dates include travel

Welcome! You are here because you have been invited to be a part of a three-day ritual held in the Wixárika (Huichol) tradition. Please join the Grupo Tatewarí Mara’akate at the ceremonial center of Casa Xiuhtecuhtli in the beautiful village of Tepoztlán, Morelos, Mexico for this exceptional event.

This is a unique opportunity for those yearning for a deeper experience of ritual, ceremony and tradition that offers great blessings to all who attend.

We would like to share some context so you can better appreciate this unique invitation. You may also enjoy reading Erica Cohen’s article on attending a recent Tuki Fiesta.

Traditional cultures like the Wixárika have recognized the vast and complex nature of existence and the challenge we have as humans in trying to navigate life. Doing so requires being in a good relationship with great mysterious forces that are behind the seen world. These forces are related to as living expressions, or also known as the Gods. The tuki is a special place for the Gods to be engaged to provide healing and guidance. This modest-looking thatched adobe shelter contains the whole cosmos , and provides a place for people to orient to the Gods and all creation in a balanced way. And like all of creation, the tuki is recognized as a living presence that must be fed with ritual so that it can in turn feed the people and nourish their connection to the Gods and the world.

This is how the Tuki was born (excerpt from the Sacred Story)

The people had come to the edge of the sea, to Yuuwita, the Place of Darkness – the place where Tau, the Sun, disappears. As Tau rose again in the east, He sent a message arrow. Kauyumari, the Deer-Person, listened closely to the arrow to see what it had to say. Kauyumari then called the greatest singer-shaman (Mara’akame Tsaurixika), who could sing and learn the will of the Gods. This was Tatewarí (Grandfather Fire). He emerged from the fire in all of His glory of costume and feathers. He sat in His shaman’s chair (uwéni) and after resting announced that the Sun had commanded that a temple be built, a Tuki, where the people would gather. And here the Sun would be invited along with Tate Haramara (Grandmother Ocean), Takutsi Nakawé (Grandmother Growth), Yurianaka (Moist Mother Earth), Tatótsi Márakawári (Elder Brother Deer-Tail); and all the Gods of the seasons, the rains, the sky, and the stars. Here the people would create a great fiesta with many offerings to celebrate the presence of the many Gods and to give thanks for the help that they would receive. Different people were chosen by Tatewarí to carry the offerings for the Gods in special devotional bowls (jícaras) as Jicareros. And the Tuki, now alive, would be fed and honored for hosting all of the Gods and all of the people. 

If someone you know would like to receive an invitation, please have them contact Heidi Griswold at tukiceremony@gmail.com.

In 2006, in response to Grupo Tatewarí’s growing relationship and dedication to the Wixárika tradition, the Tuki was built on the grounds of what is now called Casa Xiuhtecuhtli, (House of Fire in the local Nahuatl language). The Wixárika people and the Gods authorized and granted this gift through Tsaurixika (elder shaman) Don José Sandoval de la Cruz who led a ceremonial consecration of this first Tuki outside of the traditional homelands in the western Sierra Madre mountains of Mexico. Tatewarí (Grandfather Fire) designated this ceremonial center as the “Principal Tuki for Grupo Tatewarí”. Over the years it has become a home for many local and international gatherings, as well as teachings, healing work, and ceremonies.

We hope you will join us for this special invitation only ceremony. Spaces are limited – sign up now.

If someone you know would like to receive an invitation, please have them contact Heidi Griswold at tukiceremony@gmail.com.

Important details

Please carefully review the logistical details regarding costs, meals, lodging, travel, ground transportation, cancellation policy, and any COVID protocols on the registration page.

Fiesta begins with dinner on September 8, so please plan to arrive to Casa Xiuhtecuhtli by 5 pm. The ceremony will be complete on September 11 around 4 pm with an optional celebration to follow from 7-10 pm. If you are flying in, please arrive at the Mexico City airport MEX, not AIFA which is further away) before 3 pm on the 8th and schedule your departure after 12 pm on the 12th.

While there will be designated times to return to your accommodations to sleep and freshen up, everyone is asked to remain on the Tuki grounds during the ritual activities throughout the 3 days. This includes two (optional) late nights for a Grandfather Fire audience and then a night of ceremonial singing and listening to the Gods led by Don Efrén. Children are welcome and are free to fall asleep around the fire on these nights.

Once you register you will receive communications from our team of Caseros (volunteer leaders) concerning the logistical and ritual aspects of the Fiesta, such as transportation, lodging, etc.


If you have further questions, contact our Registration Casera, Heidi Griswold at tukiceremony@gmail.com or 801-363-7500.

our deep appreciation
We want to extend special thanks to the Temple of Sacred Fire Healing 501(c)3 nonprofit for their support, services and cooperation in helping make this event available.