Alan Kerner a shamanic healer in Los Angeles

Alan Kerner

Santa Monica, California

Alan Kerner

Santa Monica, California

After forty years of living a conventional life, the path I had planned for myself did not fulfill me in the way I had expected.

My days were consumed with work running my business, providing for my children, and moving on from two divorces. Even after starting a new chapter with my wife, Amanda, I was hungry for a deeper purpose.

My journey started – even if I didn’t know it at the time – when I had my first experience of spiritual practice. It was through meditation, where I learned about selfless service and self-inquiry. I learned the exalting, painful, and heart-warming feeling of transformation that could happen within myself. And equally as important, the benefit and messiness of gathering with others in community.

A few years later, during my training as a Plant Spirit Medicine healer, I discovered my passion and capacity for helping others. I continued on this path and was inspired to apply as an apprentice of Don Eliot Cowan under the guidance of a Huichol Mara’akame, Don Lupe Gonzales. With the guidance of my elders, I began a yearly pilgrimage to the sacred Huichol sites for the next six years. I completed my training to become a Mara’akame and made my lifetime commitment as a traditional healer to serve community.

Today, I live in Santa Monica, California, where I practice as a Mara’akame offering sessions and counseling to my clients. As a firekeeper with the Sacred Fire Organization, I host monthly fires and other spiritual gatherings. Through the guidance of Grandfather Fire (Tatewari) and all my teachers, I continue to learn to be a conduit of the healing energy of the Gods.

My first session with him was incredible; he was very quickly able to intuit aspects of my life and see areas of blockage energetically and psychologically. The healing work that he has done for me has been tangible and life changing. It has helped me move through and heal old pains and become a more effective healer myself. I am forever grateful!

Patience is a virtue

They are two of China’s most eminent classical artists. Yu leads no fewer than three major ensembles there: the China Philharmonic Orchestra, and the Shanghai and Guangzhou symphonies.

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