Photos to share

Remembering Tuki Fiesta 2023

Recalling our time together

Looking in to the beautifully decorated Tuki from the east door. A peek into the cosmos revealed.

These photos document the richness of coming together to honor the Tuki, so that this living expression continues to bring forth blessings and healing for our people.

The Jicareros

Five guardian elder mara’akate from Grupo Tatewarî, called Jicareros, were chosen by Tatewarí to host the Tuki Fiesta for a 5 year ceremonial cycle. As Jicareros, Patrick Hanaway, Susan Skinner, Lawrence Messerman, Anna-Lena Hilton, and Linda Felch are hosts for the annual Tuki Fiestas. The Jicareros will prepare special offerings during the Tuki Fiesta. They will each carry a jícara (gourd bowl) to hold the offerings, and will carry these offerings to the most sacred site of the Wixárika tradition, the Birthplace of the Gods the following November. They will act on behalf of our community, as they ask for blessings and healing to be bestowed upon the attendees.

The Jicareros would like to extend their gratitude to Web Designer and Photographer Mace Fleeger.